
Wednesday 26th June

 Reminders: -  Tomorrow is Play Day and Super Hero Day!  - Tomorrow we will be handing out freezies! If your students is NOT allowed to have one.  - Tomorrow is a half day and the last day of school before summer! School is dismissed at 1:05pm! 

Tuesday 25th June

  Reminders: - Tomorrow is PJ day! - Tomorrow we are going to be playing board games in the afternoon! You may bring a board game if you would like! -  Thursday is Play Day and Super Hero Day!  - Thursday we will be handing out freezies! If your students is NOT allowed to have one.  - Thursday is a half day and the last day of school before summer! School is dismissed at 1:05pm! 

Monday 24th June

 Reminders: - Wednesday is PJ day! - Wednesday we are going to be playing board games in the afternoon! You may bring a board game if you would like! -  Thursday is Play Day and Super Hero Day!  - Thursday we will be handing out freezies! If your students is NOT allowed to have one.  - Thursday is a half day and the last day of school before summer! School is dismissed at 1:05pm! 

Friday 21st June

Reminders: - Next Wednesday is PJ day! - Next Wednesday we are going to be playing board games in the afternoon! You may bring a board game if you would like! - Next Thursday is Play Day and Super Hero Day!  - Next Thursday we will be handing out freezies! If your students is NOT allowed to have one.  - Next Thursday is a half day and the last day of school before summer! School is dismissed at 1:05pm!  Highlights from today! - We celebrated Indigenous Peoples Day! Ask me what we did! 

Thursday 20th June

 Reminders: - Next Wednesday is PJ day! - Next Wednesday we are going to be playing board games in the afternoon! You may bring a board game if you would like! - Next Thursday is Play Day and Super Hero Day!  - Next Thursday we will be handing out freezies! If your students is NOT allowed to have one.  Highlights from today: - We are turning our stories into books - Ask me what we did for gym - Ask me what we did in music!

Wednesday 19th June

This morning we worked on our stories! Ask me what we did for Imagination Day!   

Monday 17th June

 Reminders: - Wednesday is Imagination Day. You can imagine its your favourite spirit day(s), your birthday, halloween, or anything else your imagination allows! Highlights from today: - We did activity swap this morning and we went to Mrs. Stewarts class to make flowers.  - We worked on story writing - we planned a trip in math, using what we know about time. Ask me about my trip! - We talked about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle during science.  - We played kickball in gym!