Tuesday 19th December


December 20 – ‘Dress to Impress’ Day (Wear your absolute favourite outfit or your best ‘Family Celebration’ outfit) 

December 21 – Kernels Popcorn Day for K-5 (order through healthyhunger.ca) 

December 21 – It’s Winter Break after tomorrow – PJ Day

December 22 – Wear Your Grade Team Colours (K=Red, 1=Orange, 2=Yellow, 3=Green, 4=Blue, 5=Purple)

December 22- Last day of classes until the New Year! On the 8th of January! 

Highlights from today:

- We wrote letters to the classroom helpers today. Ask me who I wrote my letter to!

- We did the math game swap again! ask me what game we played!

- We went to music today! Ask me what we did! 


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