Wednesday 20th March


- We still NEED a volunteer for one of the days of the field trip, to meet the MINIMUM volunteer ratio. If you are able to volunteer on any of the days we really need help on the 18th. We are still welcoming a couple volunteers for each day of the field trip if you would like to come with us on any or all of the days!! Also, if you are available to volunteer on May 27th please let me know.  Thanks so much for your support! Let Ms. Parkhurst know if you can volunteer any of the days at

- Don't forget to sign up for conferences on Thursday evening or Friday during the day!

Highlights from today:

- We did a Saskatchewan landscape art piece that has a grain elevator.
- Ask me what we did in gym
- We did writing about the book Lost and Found
- We had a science challenge to see who could think of the most unique sources of light. Ask me what I came up with!


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